Welcome to the Pokemon section of my website!

This part will be me talking, bottom is a Flareon shrine!

Swampert is my favorite, but Flareon gets all my love. I started with Alpha Sapphire and Mudkip was my first starter, so it's special.

I could talk about the human characters for so long. So I will! My favorites are Grimsley and Falkner. I'll talk about Grimsley first. He's designed really well and fits well with the dark Pokemon aesthetic. Also LET'S GO GAMBLING! He's so silly I like him.

Grimsley Liepard Grimsley sitting Grimsley sitting

Falkner just has a really amazing design, and reminds me of Makoto Yuki from Persona 3.....maybe that's why I like him! Falkner Pidgeotto Falkner show Pidgey

Pokemon! The actual Pokemon guys!

Since there's over a thousand of these little critters, I'll just lost some of my favorites in no particular order.

  • Flareon. I love him. I have a mini shrine in my room dedicated to him. I want one in real life. I need one. I love him. My beloved angel baby.
  • Swampert. My first starter. Love him.
  • Gallade. He's just really amazing, really underrated.